Chuck has us doing some great imaginative work again. This time, it's about Search Histories. You know the type on Google? Yep, that kind. We have to make it up - or go on Google and type on in and see what happens. Me? I made one up.
Exactly how did moving house become so complex... so much like... murder? Or is it?
Search History:
Moving house?
Real estate agents
Removal van hire
Insurance companies search
Change of address for post office
House history and how to find previous tenants
Is my house haunted?
The haunted history of my house.
Police reports of domestic disturbance
CNN and FOX news reports strange murder within house
Moving house?
Real estate agents
Removal van hire
Insurance companies search
Change of address for post office
House history and how to find previous tenants
Is my house haunted?
The haunted history of my house.
Police reports of domestic disturbance
CNN and FOX news reports strange murder within house
Moving house?
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